Friday 14 June 2024
Someone with bad intentions can also register
Does the university’s Security Department keep ‘blacklists’ of risk groups or not? And why are external visitors required to register for meetings?
Monday 3 June 2024
Too many PhDs and lecturers doing unpaid work
The university council has approved the university's financial plans for the coming years. However, there are serious concerns about PhD candidates and teachers performing extra duties without being paid for them. ‘PhD candidates are angry and frustrated.’
Thursday 30 May 2024
Council approves: vice-rector may remain
The university council voted to approve the arrival of the vice-rector on Monday after the board made the necessary commitments. Former fgga dean Erwin Muller can stay on in the new executive position. ‘The longer I look at this proposal, the more questions I have about it.’
Thursday 23 May 2024
The siege of Leiden (and The Hague)
To protest university ties with Israel, students successively occupied The Hague's Wijnhaven building and Leiden's hortus. The university responded with concessions.
Wednesday 15 May 2024
Students at ‘walkout’ say they are ‘ready to do what they have to do’
Around 600 Leiden University students and staff interrupted their lectures in Leiden and The Hague to join a nationwide protest against university ties with Israel. It seems that an occupation cannot be ruled out. ‘Universities care more about stuff than human lives.’
Tuesday 14 May 2024
Devastating report: how archaeologist couple got away with misconduct, intimidation, alcohol abuse and theft
On Monday, the university published a damning report on the decades-long reign of terror by Caribbean archaeology professor Corinne Hofman and her partner and researcher Menno Hoogland.
Sunday 28 April 2024
Administrative crisis sparked by ‘rushed-through’ vice-rector appointment
After a specially arranged meeting on the appointment of the vice-rector, the University Council refuses to issue a positive advice on the sudden appointment. Instead, the Council brings the matter to the Board of Governors. ‘There have already been many mea culpas.’
Friday 26 April 2024
Leiden professor suspended after thirty-three-year reign of terror
A Leiden University professor and their partner engaged in undesirable and transgressive behaviour between the years 1990 and 2023. The university has initiated a dismissal procedure and suspended the professor. The Executive Board does not want to disclose the identity of those involved.
Friday 19 April 2024
Students and staff demand an end to access checks: ‘Am I the threat?’
Students and staff are completely fed up with the strict security measures at the Wijnhaven building without any explanation. In a petition, they demand an end to the access checks at the entrance. ‘I feel like I could be singled out at any moment.’
Thursday 18 April 2024
Conflict over new vice-rector (who has already announced himself as such): ‘Appearance of favouritism’
While the Executive Board and the University Council bicker over the appointment of a new administrative position – the so-called Vice-Rector of Organisational Development – the prospective candidate, FGGA dean Erwin Muller, has already announced himself as such in a YouTube video. ‘The democratic nature of the university is under pressure.’
Wednesday 17 April 2024
External and scholarship-funded PhD candidates to start paying fees
Starting from September 2024, the Faculty of Humanities will impose a fee for external PhD candidates and PhD candidates with a scholarship. The first group will have to pay 400 euros a year, the second 2800 euros. ‘PhD candidates who never had to pay are the lucky guys.’
Friday 12 April 2024
Everyone knows course evaluations are flawed (but we still use them)
They are unreliable, biased, misogynistic and discriminatory: lecturers are fed up with course evaluations. ‘This has been known for 50 years, and still we keep using them.’